We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. 
We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

We create physical therapy 
and rehabilitation plans based 
on each individual's unique situation.

Orlando Physical Therapy services patients with a wide variety of physical and neurological disabilities, focusing specifically on our patient's goals and lifestyles. Our commitment is to meeting the physical and psychological rehabilitation therapy needs for all clients.


We work with your insurance to provide you treatment options so as to better care for our patients. 


As a courtesy to our patients Orlando Physical Therapy will call your in­sur­ance com­pany to ver­ify your ben­e­fits and cov­er­age along with ex­plain­ing to you in de­tail how your in­sur­ance plan works.


At Orlando Physical Therapy, we are commited to staying educated on the latest therapy and treatment options so as to better care for our patients. 


If you are unsure if you need physical therapy or want to know more, Dr. Orlando provides a FREE 20 minute consultation. 

Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Orthopedic and sports related injuries come with a host of unique questions and issues. We understand that you need to plan your training program and everyone involved needs to know when you will be able to get back in the game. Whether you're an elite athlete or "Weekend Warrior" you require more than just an x-ray and some bandages, you need a team that will help you reach your optimal performance. 

Our team utilizes state of the art techniques and equipment to restore balance, strength, flexibility and mobility. We educate you on the cause and effect of your injury and design a plan of care that will help rehabilitate and prevent future injuries.



The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a comprehensive movement assessment used to categorize movement patterns and direct manual therapy and therapeutic exercise choices.

The SMFA is a diagnostic system used to assess the quality of movement. It is through this system of movements that we identify the areas of weakness in your body. When doing this assessment, we aim to identify how well one can perform a single repetition opposed to how many and whether or not these functions cause pain. From here, we can create a course of treatment to increase your range of motion and stability.

Graston Technique

The Graston Technique® is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.
  • Decreases overall time of treatment
  • Fosters faster rehabilitation/recovery
  • Reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication
  • Resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent


McKenzie Method

The total system of patient care known as the McKenzie Method is an approach that is trusted and used by practitioners and patients all over the world for common back and neck problems.

McKenzie credits the patient's ability to learn the principles and empowers them to be in control of their own symptom management, which can reduce dependency on medical intervention.

The McKenzie Method promotes the body's potential to heal itself without medication, heat, cold, ultrasound, needles, surgery or a force dependent on the practitioner.

It also addresses a growing demand from patients and third party payers for professional rehabilitation services that develop the patient's self-treatment skills in a cost-effective and time-effective manner.


Dr. Orlando works collaboratively with children, their families, and other medical professionals in the treatment of common pediatric conditions such as hypotonia (low muscle tone), toe walking, and torticollis. His goal is to continually and effectively help children, adolescents, and young adults achieve maximal independence. 

If you have questions or require further information, contact Dr. Orlando directly via email at 

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Many pregnant women have muscle discomfort and pain in their hips, upper and lower back, feet, and arms. This can be caused by hormonal and postural changes. An individualized program for exercise is designed to take into account any activity restrictions.

The goals of physical therapy for pregnant and postpartum women are to help improve function, reduce pain, and assist with a safe approach to exercising.

Services include:
  • manual therapy
  • pelvic floor strengthening, general strengthening exercises
  • therapeutic massage
  • education about posture/body mechanics
  • supports

We're here to get you back on your feet.

Your first visit to Orlando Physical Therapy is your first step toward complete wellness. Book your consultation today.
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